Can You Eat The Seeds In Grapes

Can You Eat The Seeds In Grapes? Health, Benefits And Nutrition

Grapes are a popular fruit type, a favorite fruit of many people. Grapes seeds are small in size, crunchy, and are pear-shaped; they can be found in the center of grapes. So can you eat the seeds in grapes? Some people spit their seeds immediately after eating, but it’s totally fine if you swallow grapes seeds. Because grapes seeds are harmless, sadly, they are not tasty but have several health benefits. They can be white, black, or yellow in color; it depends on the type of grapes you are eating.

Is it safe to eat grapes seeds? Some people are still confused over this question.

Let’s discuss the health benefits of grapes seeds and other necessary information to eradicate the confusion of can you eat the seeds in grapes?

Which Grapes seeds are edible?


Since grapes seeds are harmless for human health and declared to be eatable, it is still important to differentiate the different types. Mainly there are two types of grapes, bitter and sweet. The sweet ones include Flame Seedless grapes and Thompson Seedless grapes. These two types of grapes have small seeds and are sweet. They are edible because they can be chewed and swallowed easily. On the other hand, some other types, like Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, or Chardonnay, are bitter. Their seeds are hard and tangy flavor.

Nutritional benefits of grapes seeds:

Grapes seeds are beneficial for human health and have several nutritional benefits. They hold 35% of fiber, 11% of protein, 3% minerals, and 7% of water. They also provide 20% of oils. Fiber found in grapes seeds has two varieties; they are soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber can be dissolved in water and creates a gel-like material. It helps to slow the digestion process and also sugar absorption.

Minerals in grapes seeds include iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. 11% of the protein in grapes seeds contains amino acids. These are the components of protein. They are necessary for tissue growth and for the repair of tissues. Oils of grapes seeds contain healthy fats that help to improve heart health and reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Benefits of grapes seeds

Besides enjoying delicious grapes, you can also take advantage of its seeds; so can you eat the seeds in grapes and which grapes seeds have a lot of health benefits; let’s take a look at these benefits one by one:

1. Controls blood pressure

Grapes seeds contain different substances like linoleic acid, phenolic procyanidins, and flavonoids. These substances protect blood veins and arteries from injury that can cause high blood pressure and other cardiac disease. So eating grapes seeds will stable your blood pressure and protects you from cardiac disease.

Compounds present in grapes seeds can activate the action of vitamin C and increase collagen production, which speeds up the recovery process of damaged blood vessels.

2. Strengthen immunity

These seeds also help to give strength to your immune system. A substance of flavonoids found in grapes seeds helps to energize vitamin C in the body. Vitamin E is also present in grape seeds; these two vitamins help to intensify the functions of the immune system to fight bacteria. The antioxidants found in grape seeds are stronger than vitamin C. They are 30 to 50 times stronger. 

One study proved that people who eat grapes seeds have more antibodies in their blood which helps their bodies to fight against diseases. Grapes seeds also increase white blood cell production, which is the body’s first defensive force against any disease or infection.

3. Lowers edema

Edema is a state in which swelling is caused by increased fluid stuck in body tissues. This might have an impact on any area of the body. But it mostly affects the legs and feet. It can happen after sitting continuously for a long time. This condition makes you unable to do anything, makes you feel uncomfortable, and causes pain.

It can also happen after surgery; grapes seeds can help to reduce edema effects. These seeds hold a compound called proanthocyanidins, which is proven to lessen the effects of this disease.

4. Reduce blood and cholesterol level

Grapes seeds contain a high amount of vitamins, flavonoids, and beta carotene that help to lower cholesterol levels and maintain a balance between HDL-Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol. Regularly eating grapes and seeds can prevent many diseases like heart stroke and coronary heart disease.

5. Prevents cancer

An important anti-oxidant present in grapes seeds is resveratrol, it is also present in the skin of the grapes, and it is proven to have many health benefits. One of the most prominent benefits of this anti-oxidant is that it can prevent cancer. It is shown in several studies that, resveratrol has been shown to restrain the growth of cancer cells.

Consumption of grapes seeds can reduce skin cancer and slow down tumor formation. Also, it helps to prevent lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

6. Refine brain function

A compound called oligomeric proanthocyanidin is present in the grapes seed extract that can enhance cognitive functions, aid in improving concentration, absorb information, and improve the memory and mood of an individual. So while eating grapes, don’t spit out its seeds to maintain the proper functioning of the brain.

7. Anti-inflammatory properties

Grapes seeds have anti-inflammatory properties because they contain Resveratrol, which makes it possible to defend against free radicals. Free radicals are changeable and unbalanced modules that can harm body cells and can lead to swelling. Several studies proved that grapes seeds can reduce inflammation and swelling and lessen the severity of multiple disorders like ulcers, arthritis, sinusitis, dermatitis, and urinary tract infections. 

They are also reliable sources of minerals and vitamins and a good source of vitamin E which is an anti-oxidant. Also, grapes seeds are an excellent source of iron, which is essential for producing red blood cells. Eating grapes seeds also reduces the effects of flu and cold.

8. Helps to lose weight

Consuming grapes seeds is not only good for your health, but it also helps you to lose weight in different ways. Eating grapes seeds reduces your appetite, and ultimately, you will eat less, which will help you lose weight. These seeds increase your metabolism level. With increased metabolism, you can burn more calories and lose weight easily. 

9. Anti-oxidant effects

Oil extracted from grapes seeds have anti-oxidant qualities, and it is scientifically proven that grapes seeds oil is a powerful anti-oxidant as compared to other anti-oxidants. Using grapes seed oil on your skin can protect it from harmful UV rays and suntan. It is the best skin moisturizer as it reduces acne and prone skin. This oil is a natural sunscreen for your screen and can also be used in food.

Side effects of Grapes Seeds:

Though grapes seeds have alot of health benefits, they also have some cons. It can cause serious digestive problems, making it difficult to digest these seeds. Therefore, they may result in gas and bloating. Also, some people have sensitive skin, and using it on the skin can cause skin rash and allergy problems. Such individuals should first consult a doctor before applying it to the skin. 

A common problem with using grapes seed extract is a headache, which causes nausea, dizziness, and itchiness on the scalp. In case of facing such issues, you should immediately discontinue using it.

Who should avoid grape seeds?

No doubt, grapes seed extract are good for our health but cannot benefit every individual. It can interact with different medicines and can worsen the situation. So, it’s important to consult with your healthcare professional while using it with any medication.

If you are dealing with bleeding disorders and taking blood thinners, you must avoid grapes seed extract. Because it can increase bleeding. If you are going for surgery, you should stop consuming it two weeks before surgery because it can increase the risk of bleeding before or after surgery.  And pregnant females should also avoid consuming it.

Tips for enjoying grapes seeds:

Grapes seeds can be eaten in any form; you can consume them in raw form, roasted, or powdered form. Here are some ways to incorporate grapes seeds and their extract into your food:

  • These seeds can be added to soups, salads, and other dishes. You can sprinkle them on any dish to enhance its flavor. Blending them in fruit smoothies is also a good way to consume them.
  • To make them crunchy and more flavorful, you can toast them and sprinkle them on your yogurt bowl, oatmeal, or sandwich.
  • By using grapes seeds oil, you can prepare a dipping sauce for a sandwich or pizza. This dipping sauce can also be used as dressing on salads. 
  • Make grapes seeds powder and use it in your smoothies or desserts. It gives your food a rich nutty flavor. 
  • You can also chew raw grapes seeds as a snack to intake their nutritional benefits directly.


Finally its transparent that can you eat the seeds in grapes. Most grapes available in the market or in stores are seedless, but you can also find grapes with seeds to take advantage of their health benefits. Grapes seeds have a bitter taste but you can not forgo its benefits due to its bitterness. These seeds have anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. And consuming them daily in your food can prevent you from cancer, high blood pressure, and cholesterol and can strengthen your immunity. 

All of these benefits of just consuming grapes seeds aren’t surprising to you. Their oil is also beneficial for our skin, they have natural healing properties for acne and pimples. Also, using it as a moisturizer will give a glow to your skin. 

With their surprising benefits, they also have some disadvantages, using them for a long time can cause blood thinning and bleeding issues. While suffering from a disease, you should not consume them daily. You should start adding them to your food from today until after consultation with your doctor.