Global Food Waste Statistics and Facts 2022
Global food waste is a significant issue that starts from agricultural production and continues to landfills. With over 7 billion people across the globe, almost 1 billion of them do not have sufficient food or water.
From this fact, you can understand why so many people are talking about global food waste statistics.
Over 39% of food is wasted globally every year. The number is even growing, resulting in more hungry people worldwide. Food wastage is not only related to inefficient food availability but also a social justice issue.9
What Is Food Waste?

When it comes to food waste, many people think it is the food we through away after cooking or the uneaten food from our dining tables. However, food waste sources are far more varied. It includes food discarded or lost during all the stages of the food system.
- Unsold food in the market or retail stores
- Prepared food that remains uneaten.
- Plate waste in restaurants.
- Trimmings of food during the preparation of meals in homes, cafeterias, and restaurants.
- By-products at different stages in the food industry.
Identifying and adopting alternative food use is essential to avoid food loss.
Difference between Food Waste and Food Loss:

On the other hand, food waste is referred to the food that is prepared for human consumption but instead is expired or discarded.
It may happen in many situations during preparation, processing, sales, or food service. It also includes peels, rinds, plate waste, and spoiled food.
Some Incredible Gobal Food Waste Statistics:

1)Part Of Singapore in Global Food Waste Statistics :
According to food waste statistics, on average, around 2,000 tons of food waste in Singapore is produced daily. In 2018, Singapore wasted 763,000 tons of food.
This wasted food usually comes from hotels, schools, markets, and households. Only 16% of the food waste is recycled in Singapore.
2) China Produce 61 Million Tons of Food Waste
No doubt China produces a lot of national food waste, but when it is divided by the number of citizens, it has one of the lowest food waste rates per capita.
3) Greece Contribute the Lowest In Global Food Waste Statistics :
According to the food sustainability index in 2017, Greece produced 44kg of food waste per capita on average, and it is the least food waste producer in the world.
Global food waste statistics show that the total national food in Greece is almost 473,000 tons per annum.
In addition, the country is taking measures to control food waste. For instance, the city of Heraklion, funded by the European Regional Development fund, will launch a smart food card that can track users’ habits and notify them about food products they already have at home.
4) Part Of the UK in Global waste statistics:
It is estimated that, on average, 10 million tons of food waste is produced annually in the UK. The value of this wasted food is over $26.2 billion, and it is also a cause of creating 25 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
Furthermore, in the UK, the average household food waste wasted every year is worth $615.
5)Around 1.4 million Tons of Food are wasted in South Africa:
This food waste is almost 15% of the total food waste produced by households in the country.
It is a large amount but still less than the food waste produced in the US. Food wastage costs around $1.5 billion per year.
6)Global Food Waste Statistics Is doubled than what is Estimated
Researchers also say that there is a relationship between food waste and wealth. It is seen that wealthier people waste more food compared to those who do not have much money. Thus we can say that the wealthier people become, the more food waste they produce.
America Contributing To Global Food Waste Statistics:

Here in this section, we will focus on food waste in the United States. The US is considered the world’s largest food waste producer. According to US food waste statistics, around 40 million food waste is produced in the US. Only 6% of the food waste from landfills and incinerators is redirected.
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) states that more food reaches combustion facilities and landfills than any other things that we throw away. Studies also show that food waste in the US is around 613lbs per capita.
Food Waste From School Lunches In The US:
Restaurants Contributing To Global Good Waste Statistics:
About one-third of food in supermarkets and restaurants is thrown away. Consumers demand products that are fully fresh and have longer shelf lives.
Although supermarkets make all the efforts to keep products in perfect condition, still 10% of the food products in the grocery are never even purchased.
Around 150,000 Tons are thrown away each day in the US:
Innovation Plays a Major Role in Reducing Food Waste:
Global Impacts Of Food Waste :

Around 13.9 million People Die every year:
As one-third of the food we have is thrown yearly, it seems impossible that more than 9 million people starve to death during this period.
However, statistics show that the number of people that die from hunger and starvation is more than those who die from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.
Food Waste Generating Methane :
Methane is a greenhouse gas and is stronger than carbon dioxide. That is why it is incredibly bad for the earth’s environment and plays a major role in global warming and climate change. Food waste that goes to landfills is a large source of methane emission, causing negative effects on the climate.
Waste Food Is Covering Agricultural Area:
Food waste takes up around 1.4 billion hectares of agricultural area. It means around 30% of the global agricultural land is occupied by food left uneaten. It is a large area that cannot be used for farming and producing food.
Food Waste Causing a Large Amount of Water Wastage :
It is believed that food waste is also responsible for the wastage of water. According to a study, wasted food uses an amount of water that can fill Lake Geneva three times. For instance, 1 kg of wasted beef equals 50,000 liters of water being used for no reason.
How to Reduce Global Food Waste?

Food waste is a significant issue all across the world. So it is important to find ways to control waste food and reduce food insecurity. Here are a few ways that can help us in reducing food wastage.
- Sometimes, perfectly edible food is wasted. It might be because farmers do not have enough money to harvest the whole field or when a grocer has ordered extra items. We can redistribute this surplus food by giving it to food banks or similar outreach groups.
- Another way to reduce food waste is by making smaller portions in restaurants and buffets. It will reduce not only food wastage but also the operational costs of restaurants.
- Consumer awareness campaigns can also be a good way to control global food waste. Through this campaign, we can describe ways to reduce food waste at all levels.
- By developing global food loss and waste measurement protocols, we can provide countries and companies with standard ways to measure and manage food loss efficiently.
- In developing countries, most of the food loss occurs near the farm. By providing proper funding to agricultural research, we can reduce post-harvest losses.
- Every country should develop entities working closely with the government and companies on food waste reduction.
Conclusion :
You can see above that food waste statistics and facts up to 2022 are surprising and terrifying because it shows that global food waste can lead to our planet running out of food in the next thirty years.
When preparing or eating a meal, remember that not everyone has the opportunities we have, so we should utilize resources in the best possible way.
Try to help when you see people in need. Furthermore, avoid overusing water and purchasing food items more than your need.
There are many ways to ensure that you are not wasting food. By following food waste reduction practices, you can contribute to reducing food insecurity and environmental protection.