Where Do Sunflower Seeds Come From | Tech Foodie
We all adore flowers very much. Flowers are the best gift to give as a gesture of love and affection. But when we give a sunflower to someone it greatly pleases them. As a sunflower is a symbol of loyalty, adoration, and longevity. Sunflowers are known as being” cheerful and happy”.
Sunflowers have different varieties from small to large and have different colors. Some have yellow petals while others have red petals.
Sunflower seeds are the fruits of sunflowers. Its seeds are getting used greatly worldwide as an ingredient in many cuisines and in many snacks. A lot of health benefits are also associated with sunflower seeds. They have several nutrients beneficial for human health. In this article we will describe everything you need to know about sunflowers and where do sunflower seeds come from.
What are sunflowers - Overview
Sunflowers are as bright as the sun, it is named a sunflower because of its resemblance to the sun. Its bright yellow petals portray sun rays. Sunflowers belong to the Asteraceae family, this family has 32,000 species of different flowers, vegetables, herbs, trees, and shrubs. All the flowers belonging to this family have petals that are joined together at the end but they are separated from their tips.
Helianthus annuus is the scientific name of a sunflower. Little sunflowers grow 3 to 4 feet tall and a Mexican orange sunflower can grow to 6 feet tall.
What are sunflower seeds?

Actually, sunflower seeds are the fruit of the sunflower plant. These seeds are harvested from the large heads of the flowers. A sunflower head is 12 inches in diameter. It contains up to 2000 sunflower seeds. Sunflowers have two types of crops. One crop is grown for the seeds we eat. While the other is grown to get sunflower oil.
The sunflower seeds that we eat are wrapped in an uneatable black and white shell. These shells are called Hulls. Those seeds which are used to extract sunflower oil have rigid black shells.
Sunflower seeds have a light nut-like flavor and a solid texture. To get a better taste of them you can also roast them on low flame.
Origin of sunflower seeds:
This plant has a lengthy history. It is believed that the sunflower originated in North America in 1000, B.C. Natives of America were the first ones who started to grow sunflower plants. They have also discovered numerous uses of sunflower seeds. In 3000, B.C., its cultivation started in New Mexico.
Some tribes of Native Americans such as Hopi and Navajo started the cultivation of sunflower seeds in order to get sunflower seeds and made these seeds a valuable source of food for themselves. They used these seeds in different dishes and also used them to make butter. Inhabitants of America also used sunflower seeds to make different types of medicines and they also used them in home remedies.
With the passage of time in the 16th century, the cultivation of sunflower seeds was also started by various tribes of Europeans from the Great Plains to the Southwest. European discoverers and experimenters soon recognized the importance and value of sunflower seeds and they held them back into their motherland.
In Russia, sunflowers were cultivated to get seeds from them and also their oil. Russian farmers realized the soil and climate conditions of Russia are well-suited for the cultivation of sunflowers.
Today, sunflowers are grown in numerous countries of the world like Russia, China, the United States, Argentina, and Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine have become the biggest countries producing sunflower seeds 55% of the total production of sunflower seeds.
How to grow sunflower seeds?
First, we will need ground with well-drained soil and contact with direct sunlight to grow sunflower seeds. It is very easy to grow sunflower seeds, farmers sow sunflower seeds directly into the soil. It should be better to maintain the same distance between each seed, a distance of at least 6 inches. Sunflower seeds should be planted into the soil 1 inch deep. It is required to plant large seeds to grow large plants.
Some farmers use baby plants of sunflowers for cultivation. They transplant these baby plants directly into the ground as these plants are so small, they are planted 2-3 inches deep. When sunflowers start developing, they grow large flower heads. This big flower head holds thousands of flowers which ultimately produce sunflower seeds. To know if the flowers are fully grown or not, it can be checked by flower heads and seeds. If the seeds are dried out and the flower head turned into brown, it means they are fully grown. It takes almost 70 days to grow fully after planting.
How to harvest sunflower seeds?
Harvesting sunflower seeds is a crucial process in the entire development of sunflower seeds. Before harvesting, it is important to examine the development of plants by observing the appearance, height, color of the plant, maturity of flower heads, and dryness of petals. After monitoring all these factors the farmers decide the ideal time for the harvesting of sunflower plants.
The optimal time to harvest these plants is when the flower heads are fully grown and the seeds are fully dried. But they should not be dried so much that they begin to fall on their own. The maturity of these plants occurs when flower heads start turning brown. Harvesting at this point certifies that now flowers are fully grown and seeds are holding the maximum amount of oil.
Now, moving towards the process of extraction of seeds from flowers. First, we need to cut the flower head from its stem. Then, we will use this flower head to hold the flower. Now, the head should be placed on a dried surface, and by rubbing with hand seeds can be easily extracted. They can be stored in any plastic bag and container for later use.
Steps to process sunflower seeds for consumption:
After the complete development of sunflower seeds, they have to go through a complete process in order to make them able to be consumed. Below are some steps to follow:
- Harvesting
In this, farmers harvest the seeds and collect them properly for further processing.
- Drying seeds
Drying the seeds is an important step, to save them from extra moisture. This task can take many days.
- Cleaning the seeds
Cleaning of seeds is mandatory, as we are going to consume them as snacks and they can be used to make cooking oil. This step is done with the help of machines to remove extra dirt or dust.
- Shelling the seeds
This step involves removing the outer shell of the seeds to extract seeds from them. It can be done manually or with the help of machines. At a large scale, it is done with the help of machines.
- Placement and grading of seeds
Now, sorting of seeds needs to be done according to their types, size or quantity. It is important to store them and pick them up easily without any problem when needed.
- Roasting of seeds
Roasting the seeds enhances their taste and quality, we only roast those seeds that are bitter or sour in taste. It gives them a rich flavor.
- Packaging
Packing needs to be done in order to sell them in the market. They can be packed in different plastic bags or in glass containers.
Different varieties of sunflower seeds along with their health benefits:
Sunflower seeds are the favorite snack of many people. It has many types and each type has different flavor and health benefits. These seeds not only have a tasty flavor but also they contain high nutrients. Let’s explore its different types:
- Striped sunflower seeds
These seeds are large in size and they are used commonly as bird food. The outer shell of these seeds is thicker and very rigid, it is very tough to crack these seeds as compared to others. They have a mild sour and bitter flavor. They are a good source of healthy minerals, vitamins and proteins.
- Spanish sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are frequently consumed. They are black and white in appearance and have stripes on their shells. They lightly taste like nuts. They have healthy fats, vitamin E, magnesium, fiber, and proteins. All these make them a healthy choice to eat as a snack or as an ingredient in any cuisine.
- White sunflower seeds
They have an outer shell of white color and are the same size as striped sunflower seeds. White sunflower seeds have a pleasant and moderate taste and are generally used in confectionery products, baking, and cooking like sunflower butter. They are a reliable source of necessary minerals, fiber, and proteins.
- Oilseed sunflower seeds
The first and foremost reason to grow these plants is oil production. Their seeds have black shells and are small in size in comparison to other seeds. They are used to make sunflower oil.
- Chocolate-covered sunflower seeds
These seeds are a popular feast, which offers nutritional benefits along with a rich chocolate flavor. Their shell is full of crunch and is glazed with a layer of dark chocolate. They can be consumed as a snack and can also be used to garnish desserts.
Sunflower seeds are proven to be a sustainable crop because of their adaptability to different weather conditions, economic profitability, minimum water requirements, low environmental damage, and their contribution to providing food. These seeds are people’s favorite snack and they are also serving a lot of health benefits. Worldwide people are enjoying the benefits of sunflower seeds and also presenting sunflowers to their loved ones as a gift to show them their affection and love. Growing them on your own farm and selling them for earning can also be your own small business. It can prove profitable for you. Storing them properly makes them able to be used later for eating purposes or for planting.